Monday, March 31, 2008

Pre waking musings

I am feeling so tired and so sorry for myself.

Mehki was up last night crying and screaming for Gods knows how long and for god knows why.
Seriously that kid is going to be the death of me.At 12:30 last night, it felt like he had been screaming for hours, nevermind the fact that I'd only been in bed for 3 hours. I gave him a dose of neurofen and another drink and packed the little bugger back off to bed. Craig gave me a wakeup call at 5am, but I was far too tired to stumble out then, so I got another wakeup call at 5:45 when he got to work. Bless Him. (Not really, I want to shake his teeth out for being so reliable!)

I have so much I have to do, but then I got asked to work today. Ugh. I can't say no, we really need the money at the moment, but what about my assignment that is due on Friday? I wonder if I could get an extension until Monday?

AF due today, I tested 2 days ago and it was negative, so I'm not feeling hopeful this month. even though Craig and I were both feeling really good about this month. I have had sore boobs, and felt a smidgen queasy and felt off my food. Not too mention I had some bleeding midcycle that had me stumped as I'd never had it before. Oh well, nothing I can do about it I suppose. But I am sad this was my last chance to have an 08 baby. :O( The worst part is we are both thinking about it all the time, we've even got names picked out, talk about jumping the gun! Ava Violet and Jali Nathaniel :O)

Anyway I have a billion things to do, it's 6:30am and the kids are still in bed, (I've sent Leeara back twice already!) I'll try and sneak in a shower and a couple of other jobs before the demons get up.

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