Saturday, April 5, 2008

Things I have realised

Things that I have learnt or realised this week.

(Today) I am missing out on my kids life. Something has to give, at the moment it's study. I'm deferring on Monday.

(Earlier this week) Just because spawn of the devil is 18 months old doesn't mean he will sleep through the night. And don't think that clinging onto age milestones helps. It doesn't.

That you learn to function on broken sleep, you don't get used to it.

That I am damn proud of me and Craig for not having killed each other due to the stress devil spawn has put on our relationship.

That stacking grocery shelves really sucks and is a mental drain on my few remaining brain cells.

That being a parent isn't as fun as it looks in the movies.

That money sucks, and as soon as we get our shit together I'm not working OR studying. I am going to be a SAHM and enjoy my kids before they are boisterous teenagers and I cannot remember a single thing about their childhood.

ALthough I do realise being a SAHM will bore me to tears, but it will be nice to have play dates, and be able to go to playgroup, and do some cooking and have some actual leisure time. My life feels like it's ALWAYS on fast forward and that sucks.

That I LOVE my new front loader Miele. Yes I paid $2000 for a washing machine, but the thing it so awesome I could breed with it! It uses like 52 litres of water instead of the 122 my old one uses. Can we say WOW. Can you imagine the difference that is going to make to our water usage?

That living in the fast lane isn't for me. I need to knock my life back to simple. Those changes are starting now. They will be small, so small an outsider wouldn't notice them, but I think they will make me happy.

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