Monday, April 21, 2008

Something I have been pondering for a while

I filled our tarago up today. It cost me $92 people. $92 bloody dollars. The car payment for the bloody thing is only $95 a week! A full tank of fuel will be lucky to last me a week, and I wouldn't say I do any excess driving. I drive to work and back (25kms each way) up to 4 times a week, and to netball training (40kms each way) and netball (40-50kms each way) a week. Every now and then we might make a trip to visit a friend or go to the city (200 kms return trip)

So with that said, I am wondering if we should be seriously considering moving to the town we work in (20 minutes away) to reduce fuel costs and car costs. We HAVE to have one car, Craig drives for a living so there is no avoiding that. But having two lots of car costs is shaping up to a VERY expensive gig. I would estimate it costs us anywhere between $150-200 a week to run both cars (maitenance included) luckily we do have an allowance for Craigs car but to keep a long story short and as uncomplicated as possible, we would have more $$ if we had less running costs.

But we have a small 72K mortgage. Our house needs work, and lots of it, and we live in an area where you could overcapitalise pretty easily, but if we had 30-40K to spend on the place we would probably get our money back.

So my dilemma is this. Do we move to the town we work in? But increase our mortgage by double at least or double and a bit? But then we both work in the same town, cut out commuting time, and travelling costs (would still have to travel to netball) But at least then we could walk anywhere in the town we needed too. Doctors, chemist, playgroups, kinder, etc? I have access to playgroup in the town I live in, and that's about it. We have a pub, a post office, a butcher, and a shop, and a school(primary only), oh and believe it or not, an art gallery LOL!

Do we do it now before fuel prices absolutely sky rocket AND before houses skyrocket more than they already have?
We have lived in this town before and we were a little unhappy, although I think that was because of the house we were living in, and the landlords we had. If it was our own house maybe it would have been different?

Has anyone got any suggestions to help poor indecisive me out? Please?

1 comment:

TheThingsIdTellYou said...

I hear you on car prices. We've recently upgraded from a cute little Toyota Echo to a fuel chugging (but roomier)new Commodore.

I'd go back in a second to my little friendly Echo. Still trying to convince Joel (we still have the Echo, haven't sold it yet).

Can't help on the decision, just wanted to say I hope you're ok. Have been checking in.