Saturday, March 29, 2008


I had a really bad afternoon as a parent today, I mean really bad. I don't think things have ever been this bad. I'm not going into details I'm too ashamed.
Needless to say, this is the end of my selfish parenting. No more yelling, No more swearing, and no more 'hang on a minutes, i have to wash the dishes' (Unless they have maggots on them)

Leeara is 4 for goodness sakes, she is going to school next year, I am working 20-40 hours a week, if I don't start making the most of her now, before I know it she will be gone.

Gosh, I'm not the parent I thought and hoped I'd be. It's so hard to try and juggle all these things that life throws my way, the only thing I know is that my kids CAN'T suffer because their Mummy can't get her shit together.

They just Can't.

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