Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I don't want for anything

This is something that I have been thinking about a lot lately.

We went to town the day before my birthday and bought a heap of DVD's, then Craig told me that was my birthday present. I thought he was joking. He wasn't. He had told me he wanted to buy me the notebook, because I have been saying for ages that I wanted it, so this was one of the DVD's we bought.
He came home on my birthday with a bunch of tulips from leeara, a bunch of carnations from mehki, and a block of chocolate. And he organised for his Mum to have the kids so we could go out for tea.

SO why did I feel so ripped off? Was his present really that thoughtless? Or have I simply watched too many movies and have come to expect too much?

And then I realised when my Mum asked me for the second time (after my birthday) what I wanted for my birthday. And do you know I can not think of one damn single thing. The ONLY thing I wanted and had said I wanted in the last few months was the notebook, and Craig had that on the to buy list.
Of all the things in the world, I can not think of anything that I'd like. I don't want clothes (although I probably need them) I don't want a new car, or fancy perfume, or $50 worth of bath stuff. I don't want makeup. I don't want for any housy stuff. I rarely wear jewelery.
SO what's a person left to get me? And do I overcome this consumer driven hype that I MUST get a mega expensive birthday present, that costs heaps and will show everyone we have 'the bling' (when we don't, and don't really desire it either!)

All the things I want are not things that can be given. I want more patience, I want to be less pessimistic, I want to be more motviated, I want to be a more healthy weight, I want to be less of an air head and be more concentrated. I want to keep a tidier house and be more garden proud and get my garden into good shape. These are not things that people can give me (bugger!)

So what does a person get when they want for nothing?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh you're a smart chicky!