Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Wasteful Companies

You know what REALLY annoys me?

Wasteful multi national companies.

Without naming names of course. So if a 3kg bag of sugar gets sliced with a knife prior to being put on a shelf, it is dumped in the bin. :( Not given to the needy, not put in the staff room for the staff to use. Dumped into landfill, what a waste. Did you know that certain large companies had this nappy policy whereby if you bought the wrong size nappies, and returned them for a different size, your original ones GOT THROWN IN THE BIN! This was supposedly a 'precautionary measure' you know in case some put razorblades in the nappies or something.
Are you freakin kidding me? Disposable nappies are a necessity for some people, and SOME people cannot afford them, and perfectly fine packets are being thrown in the BIN.
Staff cannot even buy damaged stock. Meat that goes out of date today cannot be sold, so it gets dumped. Seriously if it was COOKED today imagine how many hungry people that could feed?
Why can't these companies see the damage they are doing to the environment and see their pure gluttonous wasteful ways? It makes me so angry.
Why can't the staff buy the damaged open stock? Because they don't trust them not to 'damage' something so they can buy it.
Now comes the point, what can I do? I am a staff member at one of these stores. I cannot take the stock and distribute it as I see fit, because I will get sacked for stealing. Yes that's right, a ripped packet of lollies will get thrown in the bin, *I* can't eat them, because then I am STEALING from the company.

How the hell are these places allowed to get away with this? Anybody have any ideas on where to begin to rectify this problem?

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