Wednesday, November 14, 2007

So annoyed

I am so tired of trying to run around of a morning and get organised and get these kids out the door by 8am. I know it's not that early but it's really starting to shit me off.
I try and get organised the night before, I get up at 6am for gods sake. Ky is up at 6am, and Ara doesn't surface until sometime after 7. But it doesn't matter what I do Ky is behind me fucking trashing everything, like when I'm in the shower he's pulling sutff out of the drawers in the bathroom, or carting other shit all over the house. He gets into everything, and it's not even 8am, and I'm a yelling screaming mess. I don't have the patience for this, yeah yeah that's what kids do, tell someone who cares.

Not to mention I'm that rushed and clearly disorganised that I'm not paying attention to what Ky's doing or what I've done, I was facing the cupboard and felt something on my bum, I turn around and Ky had grabbed a knife of the table and come and stabbed me in the arse with it. How the hell am I STILL doing stupid shit like this? I guess I should be thankful that it was me who got stabbed and he didn't take his own eye out.

Note to self; Get organised, buy pot to smoke in the mornings to chill out a bit.

Oh and pointing out the obvious as to why I'm here, the kids are running amok and the house is falling down around me, and I'm blissfully trying to ignore them feeling sorry for myself.
Must go, Ky has just stolen a banana out of their daycare bag.

*sigh* today better improve REAL soon.

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