Sunday, August 31, 2008


Ky and I have just been sick for 4 days with what I would call the flu. Hot/cold sweats, high temps, aching body, headaches, you name it.
I am just starting to get better, although have limited hearing in my left ear for some reason, my head is still stuffy and I don't have a whole lot of energy. Now Craig seems to be getting it. Bugger, I feel for the poor bugger having to go to work if he feels anywhere near as bad as I did!
I cooked a roast chicken for lunch, it was nice to actually feel like eating again. It's the first meal I've eaten in days, I had to eat to get Craig off my back, blah blah blahing about not eating properly not being good for me, I know he's right, but obviously he doesn't understand what it's like when your sick because he rarely ever gets sick. I'm making a shephards pie for dinner so that should be nice too.
The good news is I have 1.2 kilos to lose to break the 90 kilo barrier, it has been SOOO long since I was under 90 kilos. I would be freakin' stoked if I could get down to 86 kg's, that's what I was when I delivered Ky 2 years ago.
I think once all this flu is gone I will be really putting in an effort to lose some weight, instead of gaining it.
I'll be 17 weeks tomorrow, scan is booked for 2 weeks time, can't wait!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Hope you feel back to your usual healthy self soon hun. I hate feeling sick. My DH is the same too if I don't eat lol - it's nice to know they care though, even if it is annoying at times.