Sunday, August 10, 2008


So after nearly 2 years on our room. I've kicked the little boy out. He's now in with his sister in a single bed, and so help him if he doesn't sleep all night!
I am also at the point where I am seriously considering gaffa tape to keep his nappy on, I think Craig thinks I'm joking! But I am so not!

It's going to be nice to have our room, and our bed back to ourselves. I just hope it all goes as I intend.

We also cleaned out the kids room, they have fuck all toys left now. I am sick to death of toys being strewn all over the floor, and it's NOT because they are playing with them. So now they have
-toy kitchen
-few dolls
-few trucks
-a ball
-and a couple of other small things

Funnily enough they have played together this afternoon, and actually played with the stuff in their room! It's going to make cleaning their room a breeze, but I still can't help but feel a tad mean about taking all their toys away! LOL

I am feeling pretty good at the moment. Things between Craig and I are fantastic, the more time we spend together, the more we bond and connect. And I am so in love at the moment :)

I have my first dentist appointment in 7 years this week, that is going to be interesting! I bet I have 60 thousand cavaties!

I have also been selling heaps and heaps of nappies lately, it's been awesome! I think the minkee nappies are going to be a HUGE hit!

I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow, 5 weeks until my 19 week scan which I am soo looking forward too, and 12 weeks until our holiday, I am looking forward to that even more!

Nothing really planned for this week, do up a few brochures to try and get some more nappy business, and I really want to do some baking this week. We went shopping today and food has gotten so expensive! So I will be baking our own bread this week, it's not hard, I just really need to get back into it, and I would like to make some biscuits. This week I'd also like to get some exercise. But I won't set any standards yet. Will update on my progress later.

Have a good week!

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