Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thanks everyone

I had a stack of washing. I'm the only person I know who can have every single chair in the loungeroom covered in clean washing. I suck at keeping up with the washing.
My cousin came to visit today, and we had a great chat about heaps of things, then all of a suddren she got all motivated and said let's clean up. So we did. Gawd that woman is ruthless, she threw out all me little precious bits of paper that have rooooly important things written on them, (but I just can't remember what that is at the moment). She helped me fold all the washing and get some of it put away, yes that's right I have an entire couch that is available for sitting! For those who know me, you either move the washing or sit on it!
Bless her.

I feel realllllly good today. I've had bugger all morning sickness today, and my sinus problem seems to have cleared. It's nice to have an apetite again! It's nice to be able to eat without a wave of nausea coming over me. Maybe my life is looking up? :)

Sally- Thanks for your comments about my pregnancy, I have suck mixed feelings about whether it is or isn't the right thing to do, what you said made me feel optimistic.

Amoir- Thank you for the email offer, I will take you up on that one day I'm sure.

You know it really is quite funny the amount of support I've drawn from this blog, I've suprised myself with the amount of people who left such supportive comments, that have ofton brought tears to my eyes. I've suprised myself in that I've swallowed my pride and opened my heart to the www, it can be such a daunting thing that is easily thrown up in your face.

So thank you too all you lovely people who've left me comments. I know I haven't replied to each of you, but I really do appreciate you taking the time to send me well wishes and other encouraging words. So despite thoughts on internet hugs, have a great big internet bear hug from me!

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