Sunday, December 2, 2007

It's funny the amount of stuff you can get done when you don't have the computer on. I tend to leave it on all day, and spend 10 minutes here and there, but sometimes those 10 minutes can lead up until an hour. A whole hour wasted reading shit on the internet on how to be a better parent. I spend more time in theory than I do doing the practical things that are being a great parent. So my new resolve is to turn the computer off each night before I go to bed (saves power too, so YAY so me conserving power AND saving money!) and the stupid ever distracting computer can stay off until my kids have gone to bed. I'm always just jumping on for a second, there is never really anything new, nothing livesaving, not REALLY that interesting, yet I find myself so distracted by the internet when there are soo man more constructive things I could be doing.
Nothing in life is more important than spending time with my kids, especially as our time together is so precious because I am working, yet I am still being selfish and doing the 'just for a few minutes' on the computer. I find myself saying 'Just a moment, hang on would ya, I'll be there in a minute' plus a number of other random sentences that my brain has put together when I am not concentrating on what my daughter is saying,
Plus in all honesty I find that when I am trying to divide my attention between the kids and the computer I get cranky and have heaps less patience, so not having it on during the day has go to have some benefits. I guess it's best to get out of the habit now too because when uni starts again next year, I want to be completely weaned off all internet distractions.

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