Saturday, December 15, 2007

Still no news on C's job. Bloody bastards keeping us hanging like this.
The good news is I have exercised 5 times this week! have walked 3km's 4 times and swam once. We went swimming on Thursday night and I swam 43 laps! Which is 1.075 kms! I have also been making heaps better food choices and actually found some willpower somewhere! SO if anyone out there has lost some, don't worry I've found it, but I'm not giving it back!
DD is going through an interesting stage at the moment. She's very impatient with her brother and can be a bit mean to him sometimes, she doesn't realise that he doesn't understand he is being a pain in her bum. *sigh* I cant wait until he can talk and they start to verbally argue (yes that is pure sarcam there!)
Must go and cook tea, I have a friend coming over soon!

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