Monday, December 3, 2007

So I did what I said I was going to do, I stayed off the computer all day. Because it was turned off the temptation wasn't as great. I turned it on at 7pm, although both the kids weren't quite in bed I'm quite happy with that effort still.

I got my photo proofs back from Clair, they are looking pretty good! There are a few photos that don't look very good, but I'd say that had more to do with the person in the photo than the person taking it, man it doesn't take much to turn an oridnary looking person into an ugly one, especially when you have an extra 30KG's on your side. *sigh*

I had a doctors appt today, I've made an appt with a dietician, and my Dr. has suggest that I up the mettformin to 2 times a day and then gradually increase to 3 times a day. I really hope it helps me to lose weight, because I want to have another baby, but being so overweight is just not cool. Being pregnant is hard enough, I can't imagine how hard it would be on your body when you are seriously overweight.
I am going to try and stick to the weightwatchers program, take the mettformin and go back to the doctors in a months time and will have hopefully lost some weight. I think I am also going to go on the public waiting list for a lapband. I don't know that I entirely agree with them, but I do know that I am desperately unhappy in this body.

Note to self, stop drinking beer, just because you gave up the smokes doesn't mean you can drink more! When I drink I ramble... I mean type ramble...

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