Friday, May 30, 2008

Lost It

I broke down at work today. I was feeling off yesterday and just broke down at work today, I left after only being there for 30 minutes. I had to go to my cousins and wait until Craig finished work, I didn't trust myself to come home alone.
Life is just overwhelming. I cannot cope with the fast pace of everything around me, and I feel like I am sitting at the side of the road watching the cars go by, just hoping someone will stop and pick me up.
Will I ever be truly better, or is this all in my head? Because I feel crazy.

1 comment:

TheThingsIdTellYou said...

You're not crazy, A. You're ill. *Cue Rob Thomas.*

There's a difference (yeah, the line can feel blurry at times, but just remind yourself, it's an illness).

Accept there will be crappy days. Some of them will be so dark, you'll feel like you've never even seen light, let alone that you'll ever see it again.

You will though. Trust me. This *will* get better.