Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I heart my son

I have just realised I am totally biased towards my son. The kid gets away with murder, SERIOUSLY!

He is the cheekiest kid, who get's into absolutely everything, he climbs on everything, steals things, and runs away with things, and bloody generally makes a monkey of himself.

It's no wonder he doesn't take me seriously when I am trying to tell him off, AND keep a straight face, his face is just too adorable to growl at, honestly, he melts my heart with his beautiful little cheeky grin.

How on earth can I love a kid who keeps me sooo busy? How do you love a child who refuses to sleep and frustrates you so much you want to glue your eyelids together, because that's the closest you are likely to come to sleep?

Being a parent can be so rewarding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh he's cute! That's the first photo I've seen of him, and I don't think I've seen any of your daughter since she was a baby. You should post more photos :p