That's the face my beautiful son pulls when you tell him no, heartbreaking isn't it?
I haven't been able to post since I joined here. I never remember my passwords, and then it has taken days for me to get the emails through from blogspot to reset my password. God only knows whether or not I will remember this password.
C is watching T.V, and Mehki is in bed asleep, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the 7pm bedtime. Leeara has gone with my Mum to stay at my Pops until Friday. That will give my ears a lovely chance to heal, seriously that girl could talk the leg off an iron chair. Her 'new' thing is "Excuse me Mum" at the start of EVERYTHING she says to me. It's great that the kid is using her manners, but man, she can chatter. I can't wait until Mehki is old enough to talk back to her and share some of the burden!
So I'm wasting time on the computer, reading blogs that are motivational, they motivate me to get organised, and to start cooking more, doing more craft and spend less time on the computer and eat less pre prepared packaged food, but now I just need to get motivated to actually DO these things.
I enjoy working I really do, but sometimes it is so hard to try and juggle all these things in life that I am supposed to do, as well as the things I WANT to do.
I really want to study next year again, but I just don't know how I am going to fit it all in? I want to have another baby next year, but who has time (or energy for that matter!) to make them?
I'm not even sure that I want to study what I am studying now! I'd like to do midwifery, I'd like to do a degree with some sort of environmental element, but then I do like social work, but it's the whole arts degree first that's bugging me. I dunno, maybe I'm just looking for excuses.
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