Sunday, June 29, 2008

It's been a while

I just realised that I haven't taken my anti depressant for 2 days.

Now I feel nervous, and worried.. I'm sure I'll be fine, I'll get back to taking it in the morning.

So it's been a while since I've updated. A few times I've came here, and had a complete mental blank about what to write. This could be a good thing, it means that I have nothing on my mind, and that I am obviously coping with whatever is going on on any particular day.

I've known for a few weeks that I'm pregnant again. We'd been trying for a while, but I honestly didn't think that it would happen when it did. I feel guilty, to say the least, it's bad bad timing that's for sure. I feel apprehensive. I feel like a big phony.

But I am excited, and I've been thinking a lot about something someone said to me 'Maybe this baby was sent to save you'

And well, maybe they're right :O) I'll be 8 weeks tomorrow, and due 9/2/09


TheThingsIdTellYou said...

I know I've said it to you before, but I want to put it here too. Congratulations. Forget the timing, this little one is here now, and growing inside of you. He or she can only be something truly wonderful, and you're going to be more than fine.

I'm happy for you. Have been thinking about you this past week or two, even if I've not had a chance to get on here.

You know where I am, ok?

Sally said...

Hi Amberlee,

Congratulations on your PG! I hope this new little life can buoy you up during your tough times.

I read your blog regularly, but I never know what to say so I don't comment. You seem like such a lovely and strong woman.

Congratulations again, and may your pg be very uneventful.

From Sally xx